We are inclined to appease, oblige and be helpful. After all, for many of you, you see yourself in the service of others, in your role as a parent, partner, leader, coworker, friend, and more. This is admirable. And then again, is it entirely?

What are you enduring? Consider the question. Are we inclined to serve others, and yet at your expense? The meetings you attend but miss your deadlines, forsaking your interests to help others. This is not admirable or to be respected when we do not show ourselves self-respect and care.

For November practice, ‘no.’ When you are negatively compromising our well-being, say no. For the event, you do not want to attend for your reasons, say no. Ask yourself daily if you said no, and how you feel because of it. 

Get comfortable with ‘No’ since it is likely at the expense of something that should be ‘Yes.’ 
