In the trenches of creativity and leadership, an unseen adversary often bars the path – resistance. Steven Pressfield’s ‘The War of Art’ casts it as the shadow of our aspirations, the friction against our momentum.

Resistance is not a plight reserved for artists; it’s the silent challenger in every endeavor, from entrepreneurship to activism. It’s the whisper of “later” when action is due now, the seductive lure of the inconsequential, the paralysis before the potential.

Procrastination, avoidance, and misplaced focus are just some of its guises. The list is long, and the symptoms varied—each a choice, a momentary surrender to the easier path.

Yet, Resistance is no moral fault; it’s human, as trivial as a misstep or as common as burnt toast. Identifying it isn’t about self-reproof but about recognition and the dance of overcoming.

These choices we make, these stumbling blocks, are not fixed in stone. They’re the habits we can break, the skills we can acquire. Being gentle with ourselves is the first step back to the work.

Confusion may cloud our judgment, and fear of change may anchor our feet. But in the end, they’re just choices, and we can choose differently. When Resistance looms, remember—it’s not invincible. Name it, understand it, and gently, persistently choose your way through it
