Some of the apps and technology platforms we use are building in valuable features that enable us to mute ourselves. Some may not be simple to find, but they do exist.

While we may be familiar with those features on your smartphone that silence notifications and mute sounds, some will minimize the interruptions while you are working on other elements. A physical mute may include a clean desk, where all you have is what is in front of you, which applies to your desktop. No open applications to distract you.

What about the social mute? Your social media accounts inevitably force you to compare yourself and your life to others. How many people do you follow, and how many followers do you have? How many people viewed your message, and how many comments were posted? Is this helping you? In all likelihood, it forces you to spend more time on social media, and for what purpose? 

You can mute these functions.

Mute may be the best feature in a society bombarding us with various stimuli. Silence cannot hurt. It will likely help rest a busy mind and may even reduce so much anxiety that we unavoidably feel daily. 

What disruptions do you constantly have, and are they necessary or helpful?
