We often demonstrate our value by how much we do and how much we have. We respect and value the worker with so much on their plate: the multi-tasker. There may be times where that is required but is that sustainable or necessary? We are not machines. You can be the jack-of-all-trades, and that is what you will always be, in profession, interests, and relationships. 

Do you enjoy, and are you equally proficient in, all these undertakings?

Are we better for doing something well? Being recognized for one thing and being the expert. The person everyone goes to for ‘that thing.’ Not only will you be known for that, but people will seek you out and value you. And in interests and relationships, that may equally be true.

We do want to be valued, right? If that is a personal or organizational goal, eliminating options and possibilities helps define a focus going forward, and increases our capacity to execute well. Well is better, not more.
