You are frustrated, inconvenienced, disappointed, or hurt by someone’s words or actions. They are of a certain age, race, gender, socio-economic, religious, and political beliefs. We then begin to rationalize and characterize that ‘they are all the same.

We as human beings are 99.9% alike in our DNA makeup. Yes, the physical differences are more similar than dissimilar. Yet, we are quick to describe the differences in people’s looks and structure. Similarly, we are far more alike in our thinking and beliefs than not. Yet again, we want to isolate ourselves and often make negative distinctions and comparisons. 

Rather than lumping people together based upon physical, mental, and other differences, look at the individual as just that and don’t draw any false assumptions about anyone else who may exhibit similar attributes. It may serve us well to avoid the conclusive characterization of a person based upon a single event. We are more alike with one another, and yet we are not the same.
