You can fight for so long, and at some point, you win or are defeated. 

You may recognize this as the moment of surrender. When you finally say it is enough and my spirit alone can longer persevere, and the fight is to what avail? In some instances, this may not even be our struggle to have, it may be futile and even ridiculous.

At that moment, you will have clarity and hope but, in all likelihood, resolve.  Our struggles may differ. For many, it may be a simple task or a need to improve, while for some, it may be work dynamics, relationships, and others manifest in addictions, depression, or love.

In these instances of recognition, it is not defeat, but instead, you may experience an epiphany and take on a purpose or resolve more meaningful to you, and with that, there is a triumph.

To the women in Iran, who have reached their moment to stand up for themselves.

Musing while listening to U2 Moment of Surrender
