Marvel at the industriousness and efficiency of bees. The amount of honey they produce and the plants they pollinate each day are much for our benefit.

What is fascinating is how bees work together for production, security, and even safety. Honey bees live in hives with populations up to ten thousand strong, working together in unison and in an organized manner. Even the most efficient and productive human organizations could marvel at their ability to assume their roles within the hive and execute them flawlessly. With a single purpose, they come together to protect the entire hive and swarm as one, to do what is best for all. 

The principles are simple: one leader, a common purpose, clarity in direction, defined roles and responsibilities, teamwork beyond individual needs, and consistent and committed delivery.

We are the biologically superior species, yet we can learn so much from nature if we take the time to learn from these supposed creatures ‘beneath’ us. So how does your organization stack up to produce your honey?
