There are sufficient stresses in a day that places a burden on us, often far beyond our comprehension. Your child cannot find their homework, and it is late, backed up traffic, a spilled coffee. All small events, but they add up. We may also find burdens in what is said or what happens directly to us. Every situation or word uttered will impact you. When these words are critical or insensitive, it feels worse, especially since we mainly highlight and fixate on the negative.

Understand what you can control and what you can’t. You cannot control what someone said to you nor what they did to you. You cannot control the traffic or a bump that spilled the coffee. You can only control how you react to that, and it will be your ongoing focus on your reaction that creates the stress and anxiety you experience. 

Where is the value in investing energy, thought, and care into those areas that you have no control over? Your day would be so much simpler if you could let go of what you have no control over and focus on what you do control. You have enough garbage in your bin; let someone else take care of their own.
