Relationships have a start and an end, both personal or professional. Marriages in organizations are no different than romantic marriages. Be it new employees, partners, or clients, the impact of a bad match can be costly and disruptive. We are wooed in with this new relationship’s potential and tend to look at everything with positivity, leading us to not scrutinize or question the full merits presented to us. Once we have committed to the new relationship, we begin to apply a different critical and objective review rigor – this is when we notice flaws. 

What if we applied intense scrutiny at the outset? Take the time to build a relationship with potential partners or employees and get to know them. Ask the difficult questions, perceive the issues that may occur, be accepting of creating discomfort before you commit, and dig deep in the selection process, surfacing as many potential challenges at the outset. Find in the beginning what we may later avoid that could be costly, time-consuming, and disruptive, rather than when it’s too late. Being slow and methodical to commit may ensure lasting fulfillment.
