You may make one at home or watch baristas prepare one.  It seems simple enough. Grind coffee, add it to a portafilter, press it down, and then make the coffee.

Stop. If that is what you witnessed, you have missed so much. A barista will reflect on all the elements: The roast and age of the bean, grind size, dose, tamping technique, and pressure to create the puck, boiler temperature, basket cleanliness, brew recipe and equipment, pre-infusion, and the final yield. It is an art to extract a perfect smooth espresso that is chocolatey, sweet, and fruity with a beautiful crema and not too bitter or sour.

To attain that taste perfection takes any barista time, trial and error, tweaking, and ongoing refinement. It is dedication, passion, and care to deliver a quality uniform experience every time. Their delight is your satisfaction in the enjoyment of their craft.

A craft, regardless of its nature, reflects one’s passion and care.  It is not what one cares about that matters but that one has the desire and inclination to create the best of whatever they are involved in.  It is worthy of admiration and even a little praise. The craft signifies character. 

I’ll take Another single shot. Please.
