When we work, we are in either one of two modes: make or manage.

When we make, we are being creative, we are crafting, and it requires us to be thoughtful, and mindful. Often in this creative mindset, we are using the right side of our brain.

Managing requires us to be organized, process-oriented, listen and reflect, far more than it requires us to create and originate. It typically involves other people and their activities.

Like many tasks or activities that are demanding of us, it is difficult, if not impossible, to do both well or with proficiency.

It is in our interests, and that of the organization, that we are methodical in our tasks, and undertake one with deliberate intent before we move to another. Develop habits that enable you to focus on the various skills required to do each. 

You may soon find that you are doing both at a better level than before, not because your skills have changed, but instead because you are not confusing your intent.
