In suspense and thrillers, someone is inevitably looking over their shoulder or keeping an eye out. They may be the villain, the victim, or even the hero. Inevitably, whoever it is got themselves entangled into a situation that went awry, and they now find themselves in a precarious state looking after their shoulders. The familiar scene is often where the victim has created the drama through their thoughts alone, and the threat is non-existent. Regardless of how this plays out, you will ask yourself, ‘why did I (they) get into the situation, to begin with,’ or ‘why did I (they) not make better decisions earlier to avoid or minimize the negative impact.’

Is this purely limited to fictional films and shows?  This is life and none that is unfamiliar in the office environment. Inevitably those who are looking over their shoulder, there is a straightforward question to ask themselves to give the situation context ‘what did I do that created this.’

While you may be living in your drama, you are likely laying a role as the victim, villain, or hero, and with little doubt, there is a better option for you to tale than the one you chose. Looking over our shoulder provides little comfort while looking ahead, we do not trip and fall.
