We fill our days with them. We hold beliefs and truths so close to us, but we readily do the opposite in other aspects.

We want others to reach out and seek help when necessary, yet we are defiant to call a plumber to help us fix the ongoing leak we have not stopped. We dismiss client frustrations with a lack of answers to one-off issues and justify our responses while annoyed with the poor online support we receive from the cable company. We intently analyze our kids’ progress at soccer – often without any expertise – yet are unaware that they have not completed their homework in the past two weeks. Similarly, our disappointment bubbles over when an employee does not meet the deadline while waiting for the promised performance review for over a month. 

We bring our beliefs and principles into a dance we perform, where we want to control the steps, feel comfortable, and then justify when we misstep or stand on someone’s toes. To others, it is a flaw and rife with paradox. What beliefs do you hold that are a contradiction and worth revisiting?
