Today is Earth Day. A celebration of the planet we live and thrive on and that we also likely take for granted. Each day fills you with unexpected joys and the essentials of our existence – water, air, food. Regardless of the elements, walking in nature is uplifting and offers variety, happiness, fulfillment, adventure, tranquility, and peace. Our small planet gives us so much and is foundational to existence.

While it provides so much, we, in return, do very little. It’s akin to a one-sided relationship. Earth gives us in abundance, and we take advantage, mistreat, abuse, and even destroy without much concern, let alone accountability. While we may not think more beyond ourselves, what are we leaving for our children to inherit? Are care and progress not the simple principle of ‘leaving something in a better condition than you received it.

What part are you playing to be sure your children’s children get to experience its fullness just as you do? Or are we so selfish we cannot think of others that we love well enough?

You are the difference. Commit and announce it. Share it with others and make it public. Be accountable and show the love in return. What actions do you commit to that will permit our kin to enjoy the riches of our treasure.
