Who reached out last? Does it matter? Reflect for a moment: when did you initiate contact last, not out of necessity, but to foster connection?

With leadership, is it enough to declare an open door, or does actual leadership call for stepping through it first? Consider the message you send when you’re the one to extend the invitation rather than them having to ask for your time.

What does it say about your leadership when you make the first move? Are you creating pathways of trust, or are you waiting behind silently tallied lines?

When you bridge the gap as a parent, what does that teach your children about communication and care?

Are you holding onto a scorecard without realizing it? If you find one, ask yourself: What opportunities arise when you lead the exchange? What new understandings could unfold if you reach out first?

No scores. It’s just the simple, potent act of making the first move.
