Not everything will go according to plan, nor does it.

At times there is disappointment, frustration and consternation.  Understandable.

But it’s ok.  With it comes opportunity. It may be a setback, but it is inevitably a moment to learn, reassess, and reposition.

History is filled with such examples. One profound example is Abraham Lincoln, who faced multiple personal and professional failures, including business losses and numerous electoral defeats, before becoming one of the most revered U.S. Presidents. His perseverance through multiple setbacks, including being demoted in the military and facing bankruptcy, showcases the power of resilience. JK Rowling was repeatedly rejected by publishing companies, Steve Jobs was fired from the company he returned to make it what it is, Oprah Winfrey overcame childhood abuse and poverty, and the list continues. 

For many, this would be devastating and points of no return or little hope. To others, it is a platform for success.

How do you choose to see it? That alone determines how it will transpire.
