Planning is an essential part of all we do. Any plan that is not well thought out can go awry fast and lead to an untold loss in time and expenses. The plan sets the course and is a must. Yet, that is all it is, thoughts and direction, devoid of action.

The ability to effect change and deliver on a promise will not happen with just a good plan. It requires action, and that is where we as individuals and organizations fail. We plan for days, weeks, and even months and feel a sense of accomplishment in our deliberate and methodical thoughtfulness. Then we don’t stick with the plan or ignore it altogether.

It is easy to blame the plan when the genuine fault is in our inability to execute. A runner wanting to complete a marathon cannot rely merely on the training plan. They must follow the program as well and run. A new strategy or product will not attain success on a good plan alone. It requires execution. When planning, we may also consider the steps or actions needed to safeguard and follow the plan.
