The first time is the most difficult. We are a product of our environment, education, and experiences. What we are accustomed to or believe as acceptable may not necessarily be true or correct. If we begin with the assumption of questioning we can begin a life long journey of discovery. We know we are not perfect. Knowing that our actions, reactions, behaviors, habits, beliefs, and thoughts may not be the ideal is a platform from which we can grow. It is important to express your love for another person. 

If you are not accustomed to saying ‘I love you’, it can be difficult. Almost as difficult as expressing your love, admitting when you are at fault and apologizing with sincerity takes tremendous courage. Accepting responsibility for failure is hard to do. If you acknowledge your flaws and make the effort to correct them, you have taken a giant step to being a better human being. 

You know better than anyone else the areas where you can start to improve. Think about one. Write it down somewhere. Take the first step today and remedy that by taking action. Do what feels unnatural to you, it will feel good.
