Independence can generate personal, collective, and social value. We seek freedom, the ability to express ourselves, have the last say, or make the final decision. We want to do as we believe it should be. We want to be true to ourselves.

The principle denotes positive forward motion, or does it?

Teenagers long for their independence to break away and express themselves as individuals.

Oppressed people seek national independence. For a good reason, independence is valuable and necessary. It is permission to move forward.

Independence can even unleash creative possibilities removing one from the confines of limiting environments.

There are instances where the motivation for independence may be misaligned.  

If independence is desired because we cannot work with others, it has to be our way, is it the solution or a cover? Being alone may work for you, but yes, you are alone.

Possibly liberating oneself from a perpetual concept of doing it ‘my way’ is the anecdote to one’s destruction. 
