The person who commits to running daily and improving is a runner. The writer who writes daily with the aim of someday publishing is an author. What we choose to focus on and define us, and then pursue it with vigor, ultimately will become who we are. The same applies to the honest person, the cook, the gardener, the mother, the partner, the artist, and the hunter. It requires a clear intention and a tireless dedication. 

Organizations are the same. Many organizations have a distinct element that they are known for: quality of product, customer service, professionalism, innovation, etc. This drives the organization’s vision and culture, and in turn attracts employees who want to further their cause, and customers who ascribe to who they are. Apple does not have 1.65 billion active devices by chance. The same goes for the 10 million cups of Starbucks coffee sold daily. 

Defining who you choose to be is essential if you want to attain purpose, surround yourself with like-minded people, and attract those with similar values to join you. It applies to individuals and organizations. It makes it so much simpler to know who you are and what you stand for.? 

Who do you identify as?
