How often do we not think that? We all do at some point. It may not be desperate or alarming but instead vital. We believe we have the answers and likely will find them if we persevere. We are tired, frustrated, and even disappointed. 

We are disappointed since no one has reached out to offer help. But then why would they? We have shared little other than to continue to portray a self-sufficient, energetic, and determined individual who is resilient no matter what and, most of all, does not require support or assistance.

You may think you don’t need help. You may believe that you have all the answers, and no one can provide you with an insight that would enlighten or further your cause. However, looking at each of your role models, you will note a familiar pattern. They had people around them who provided support, encouragement, and inspiration, but they were open and willing to accept the help.

Those who put themselves out as individuals who do not require assistance or support may well be the people who desperately want it and cannot bring themselves to ask for it. Giving and accepting help is not in any way a flaw; instead, not understanding its value may well be.
