Johnny Nash understood it far better than most when he sang

‘I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day.’

We can be mired in the storm or fog of our thinking where it is impossible to see beyond the heavy clouds before us. Most of the problem is that we stare directly at the clouds, and they become an impenetrable wall.  Yet beyond those clouds is bright sunshine and clear blue skies. 

When faced with the dilemma of problems, we need to step back initially and attempt to see the whole situation versus merely looking directly at the small narrow element that is typically our challenge.  When we step back, we may notice that the obstacle may only be temporary or that the solution is not the one we had imagined.  Clarity can come from fresh perspectives, and we can have a different outlook which can be achieved alone, or more likely through collaboration and discussion.

When faced with the storm, step back, and understand it is a storm, and they all pass. What you want to see beyond that is what matters most.

I can see clearly now
