‘But they did not do what I wanted, which required me to speak like that.’  A leader’s excuse.  When did a title or position invoke the right to detach from human decency and respect?

As a leader, one has a choice: to be human or not. You may choose to justify why you are misbehaving or being mean. Yet, in that instance, as a person, you’ve failed. 

Similarly, does your occasional lapse in character permit them the occasional lapse in performance?

The best leaders help their team attain the collective goals without harsh words, tone, or gestures. They can merely point out that the performance was below par, actions to take to resolve issues, and to change behaviors to minimize mistakes going forward.  They support the individual.

It is not tit-for-tat. Instead, be the example, and allow those you lead to focus on their own issue, not your misbehavior.
