Freedom. We assume it, expect it, and even take it for granted. Not until it’s taken from us or we lose it can we begin to appreciate freedom. Recall when someone took something you believed was yours away from you. Your lunch break, free access to the lounge, non-dairy ‘milk’ options. Minor to some, but significant to you. Amplify that to elements that shape your life.

As individuals, we are all deserving of the same fundamental birthrights. So why are our rights often at the discretion of a few and judged and awarded based on affiliation and acceptance? 

In the US, on Juneteenth, we celebrate the final emancipation of the enslaved. Yet, while we have removed physical shackles, dismantling other injustices is still slow-moving, manipulated, and requires dedicated attention and encouragement.

What systems that we have today will future generations look back on and question how we could ever put these systems in place and accept them?
