Today is a holiday in the US where most people get together with their family, friends, and loved ones to share their bounties, be grateful, and give thanks.

Possibly we could take the time today, regardless of where we are, and take the time to be grateful for what we hold and appreciate the small joys and riches that are bountiful in our lives. But, of course, there will always be some, yet it is our outlook that shades that view.

Should we not take the time and as the name of the holiday suggests, give thanks, not only for what we have and enjoy but also for those who enriched and enhanced our lives in the past year, some we know well and others merely through their generous, noble and unselfish actions.

Imagine what a kinder and gentler world we can all create if we all take a few moments to express our gratitude and be thankful for others.  Our actions are important too.
