Being human accept, we will make mistakes. We all do, every day. Some are major, and it feels as if half the world is aware of our mess up, and then others go unnoticed. Yet, today you did make blunders.

When it impacts others, we want to and ought to accept our responsibility and admit the mistake we made, and in that, ask for their forgiveness. They may and may not. It is not your choice if they do accept it. Nevertheless, you should ensure you stand for your values.

Yet we all forget one element. You know you messed up, even if others do. What of self-forgiveness? We damage ourselves by carrying the burden. The past is gone, and you cannot change it. Forgive yourself and move forward. You are no use to anyone filled with regret or shame. 

Today, since you are reading this, you are already ahead of the game of life. So, start afresh and be energized, as the day is new. No one wants to see you fail, nor should you. 
