Often referenced in work as a necessary tool to define where the organization is going, while individuals will adopt it to address longer-term and possibly more complex undertakings. With its origins being in war, strategy is used to ensure you remain on top and defeat any competition of adversity.

While strategy does define where the organization is moving toward and what the focus will be for the next few years to differentiate the organization and grow, it is also far more than that.

Strategy reflects the clear intention and is a statement of commitment as to the purpose of the organization and what its priorities are. It becomes the basis for tactical planning, the creation of operating plans, and measures to support the overall direction.

Yet, above all else, strategy is a guide for the people who work for, partner with, or support the organization. It says where we are all going together and what we intend to do. It becomes our inspiration and our conscience.

Successful organizations will typically be very specific in developing their strategy, and then use that to inform all major decisions going forward.  Their strategies are used and referred to daily since all their plans and actions stem from strategic planning. 

When we take a complex trip, do we not plan for the trip and then follow the plan? Changes to the plan are because we obtained new information that informed new decisions, and we are able to understand why we changed the plan.  Why would we not do the same for our organization where many more people are reliant on the direction we have set?

The strategy we adopt says a lot about who we are as an organization or even an individual.  Why would we not be thoughtful in our development, and once created with thoughtful intent, be deliberate in its execution?  Perhaps it’s a good strategy to embrace your strategy.
