Fathers are an essential fabric to the upbringing of any child.  The research will show that children are adversely impacted in academic, social, emotional, and financial prosperity when they do not grow up with a father figure.  This does not suggest at the expense of mothers, but in addition to.

We need fathers not only for their stereotypical roles. We need them to show their vulnerabilities and fears. To read a book at bedtime. To shed a tear when sad. To cook and clean. To stay at home if that is what the family needs.  To stand up for the women and see gender as a strength, a blessing of uniqueness, and a necessary equal.

We need our fathers to say I love you, to hug and kiss, and to inspire not for what they do but instead for who they are. Primarily we need our fathers, not for their gender, title, or family position, but instead for the role they signed up for, one that is not easy but comes with the highest rewards.
