As parents, we are familiar with our children becoming frustrated with our decisions, although with their best interests in mind. They may vent, call you names, and try to distance themselves from you. Then, with the rant, you let them know they are the same child you love and affirm you know they do too.  It is not personal; it is not an attack on you. Their unfiltered communication is in a safe environment, where care and support prevail, and emotional outbursts are sometimes a necessary release.

At work, we will find ourselves in similar positions where our team may not agree with a decision and may even express frustration.  It would help us settle our minds before we react to the situation.  Understand it is not personal. They are venting against a decision you made in a given case. They should feel open to discussing it with you without recriminations or negative judgment. And where your resolution may have been wrong or flawed, you will own it.

The ideal teams are the ones who do not agree on all matters, yet regardless will be accepting of open discussion and differences in opinion as necessary needed to progress. You are all part of the same family, and individual incidents do not define the relationship.
