Surfers will sit out in the cold surf, gently paddling, waiting, and carefully observing. Waves come and go, and those with experience know that not each wave is the same.  Some waves are better than others, and one only knows this through careful observation, learning from mistakes, and observing others.

Taking each wave will not help one improve nor produce optimal results. It is also tiring and often leads to discouragement and abandonment. In this instance, it’s better to work smarter, not harder.

Organizations behave like surfers as well. Every initiative that comes by looks attractive, and they choose to jump on it. They think “more is better.” Unfortunately, this is not the case. More is tiring, wasted energy and effort, with no actual benefits.

Be the patient surfer. Assess opportunities with care, and determine how it may fit with your existing capacity as well as your ideals. Of course, not all options are suitable, or at least at the moment, and being selective may just give you more than you ultimately desire. 

Enjoy the song by U2: Every breaking wave
