You suddenly realize you do not recognize what you are looking at. How did you get here? It happens. We begin with dreams and aspirations. Some do attain it, and most do not.

It may be the lack of hard work, self-belief, or determination, but in most cases, it just happened. You still work hard and want to succeed, but it is not this. It happens with individuals and then again with organizations too. So we drift away from the plan, the dream we had.

You started with a dream, yet the timing was off, and you had a few things you had to take care of first, and then you will be ready. ‘Then’ arrives, or does it, and something else makes now a little uncertain and inconvenient. On offer makes sense because it is a holdover until the minor hiccup disappears. You do well, are given incentives, and soon attain promotion. Congrats! But to whom?

I often ask, ‘Where do you want to be five years from now.’ The answers here are enlightening, not because of the range of thoughts or the magnitude of desire and ambition, but rather the lack of intentionality.

Time is fleeting, and while it is not ideal today, it rarely ever is. So, with your chosen path, hopefully, you will recognize where you are in five years from now and like it too.
