You have no doubt walked into a room and immediately felt a level of energy permeate. There may be a buzz like organized bees readily moving about with their tasks. Sometimes you will hear chatter, and there may be occasions when you feel you have walked into a morgue where there is silence, heads bowed, and little reaction. Even the faces may shed some insight: the smile or glint in the eye compared to a solemn glance of ‘get me out of here.

Similar to how people have energy levels, so do teams and organizations. A losing team will look disheartened and gloomy, and it will be reflected in their entire performance, while a few months prior, they may have been exuberant with the energy of dragon slayers.

This energy is fundamental. It exists in the workplace and at home. We create that energy, and to understand the root of the power in a ‘place,’ look no further than the leaders of the group or family. A leader who is hostile, tense, demanding, and ‘all business’ will create an environment where fear and apprehension are imminent. On the other hand, the parent who adopts the approach of ‘stuff happens’ and contains issues related to the event itself will create a home where individuals flourish, express themselves freely, and are willing to take risks.

It is not only the leader that generates the energy. The moody colleague or partner creates power others will choose to avoid, or worse, compel others to believe they need to behave similarly since it is unfathomable that someone can be the only grumpy one. 

Our energy field is natural. It exists and may alter somewhat each day. Happy people are happy and energetic most of the time.  If we are intentional about our energy sources at the start of each day – what we read, eat, listen to, and even do – we will see a correlation with how we feel from the beginning. Are we exposing ourselves to the news or social media, where looking at the photos of someone else’s wonderful life makes you think yours pales in comparison? Or do we invest in material that inspires and urges us on?

Energy is real. We generate it, and that energy is transmitted. A simple habit of being intentional in our thoughts, expressing gratitude, and projecting favorably on the day will set a more positive outlook. With that, the energy you emit will become more positive. Your dynamism is you alone, and you can reach others optimistically if you choose.
