Have you ever noticed the pure joy children find in the simplest activities? They embody the art of living in the moment, a skill many adults have forgotten. Children don’t dwell on the past; they are masters of the present.

Their innocence reminds us of what we lose as we grow older — the unburdened joy of living for now. Sadly, adults often unknowingly cloud this innocence, teaching them to fret over yesterday and worry about tomorrow.

Let’s reverse the lesson. Let children be our guides back to the present. Watch them play, notice their complete immersion in the moment, unaffected delight. They don’t just live; they thrive, uninhibited by past regrets or future anxieties.

It’s time we learn from them. Let’s shed the weight of ‘what was’ and ‘what might be’ and embrace the ‘what is.’ Allow the innocence of children to inspire us, reminding us to find joy in the simplest of moments.

In doing so, we don’t allow them to retain their innocence; we reclaim a piece of our own. After all, life is most beautiful when lived like a child — fully, joyously, in the now.
