Innovation and advances in technology have made life so simple. We can obtain most things we desire the same day when within our capacity. We can stay home and have food delivered, prepared, and ready. We sit for endless hours each day with little movement. Why would we be bothered when we don’t need to? Yet, when challenged, we are often unprepared and less capable of doing what is necessary.

Discomfort is necessary for resilience. So do something that creates pain.

If we are willing to give up comfort, imagine what we may be able to achieve—the aspirations we have require us to be uncomfortable. Exercising every day and getting fit is not comfortable. Yet, the discomfort gives us what we seek and even the elements that allow us to remain comfortable later in life. The most significant inhibitor for most older people is the inability to take care of themselves and to be physically able to complete simple tasks they took for granted years before, including dressing themselves, getting off the floor, and bathing themselves, let alone being able to walk and enjoy nature or play with their grandkids. Embrace the suffering. What can you do to experience discomfort? No matter what it is, it’s essential to do such things and feel genuine pain now and then. Like savings, while not what we prefer to do or necessarily find easy, we reap the long-term benefits in time.
