Happy Earth Day.

We all have various roles and responsibilities, and one that is often misplaced or underappreciated is the one we have for our planet. While a few may be distracted or enthralled with the flighty notion of intergalactic travel and adventure, we humans, as the curators of our planet, have a responsibility to fulfill, and one requiring our dire attention.

If we viewed our roles and tasks and assigned the labels of urgent versus important, the one we have to care for our planet would be high-high for the two.

Today take a few moments to reflect and ask yourself a few questions, be curious and aware of your roles as curators.

• What three things do I cherish most about Earth?

• What three things will I enjoy most about Earth today?

• What one thing can I commit to doing better, to be a good curator of this planet?

Reflect a little, take a moment to step outside, and enjoy the changing seasons and all the convenience, luxury, and beauty we often ignore.

Share these three questions with someone who cares as much as you do.
