In any organization, the culture of the organization is ubiquitous. It may be intentional and created- crafted and molded into what it is. Or, it may be left unchecked, often as the lowest common denominator, and inevitably takes on a life of its own with little control or vision.

Culture will occur and depends on leaders to create and nurture it.  If we ignore it, one will form, but it will likely not be the one we seek. Like a fruit bowl, the one piece that begins to rot quickly takes over and affects all close to it and, if left unchecked, will spoil all fruit nearby. Preserving the fruit bowl requires attention and careful curation.

Culture ultimately reflects the behaviors and actions that dictate how an organization operates.

Those leaders who suggest that they do not have control of their culture usually have no control over their organization and are not fulfilling one of their primary roles, being the curator of their vibrant cultural fruit bowl.
