Early in the morning, and before you know it, it is 10 am, and you say to yourself, ‘ I achieved nothing I planned to do so far; where is the day going.?’  It may not even be the morning anymore. 

A simple practice can change that for you and give you a sense of control and competence. Again, the concept is simple, and I strongly encourage you to practice and adopt one yourself.

Before you read, respond to, or view something that anyone else has sent you, requested your input on, or merely go out to seek the information, stop yourself. This includes reading the news, viewing social media, and your email. 

Instead, ask yourself what you have on your mind that you need to capture, what you need to get done today, and what you want to share with others. Do these first.

The mere practice of getting what we need to accomplish off our list and our minds, the more capacity we have to work through the needs or demands of others.
