The power of the spoken word is not in what is said but rather in what is understood. 

Many of the words, expressions, and acronyms we use daily lack context for those who hear it, and yet as the speaker we believe we are clear, direct, and almost impressive when using them. It is not only with specific words that this occurs, but in discussions too. It occurs in all facets of our lives. We will say something to our children and when they do not understand, we say it louder thinking they will comprehend because of the increased tone. At work, we get agitated with or think less of an individual we are communicating with when they do not understand our well thought out speech, or worse off, our intent.

What would your days look like if you took the time to help others understand you better? If you left out meaningless words and acronyms that not everyone understands, and take the time to use a common language to be understood and not just heard?
