The word likely conjures up images of enthusiasm, energy and encouragement. We all need them. Those people around us who inspire us to do better, to strive for more, and who will continue to believe in us. Regardless of failure, the people who are there for us are always waiting with enthusiasm. And no pompoms are required.

As a child, consider when you felt encouraged and supported as you attempted to ride a bike for the first time. How did that make you feel? You fell off, yet the support did not wain until you were happily freewheeling away. That feeling is the same you had learning to swim, cook a meal, tie your laces, or any activity you have since mastered.

We may be a little older,  but the principle remains the same. A little cheer helps tremendously and is infectious. When we start to help others, we find more support for ourselves, and others seem to help one another more. Regardless of the results you initially attain, the environment you create is one where people will try, fail and likely try again until success.  All that is needed is a little cheer and we discover that positivity is contagious.
