Perfection is a tricky thing. It seems essential, right? But when you think about it, what we call “perfect” is often just a matter of perspective. That perfect score or outcome might be someone’s opinion or about nailing a set of rules. But does that truly define perfection?

Aiming for perfection can be like running after the wind – it’s exhilarating at first but can leave you breathless and nowhere closer to catching it. It’s a high bar that often moves just as you’re about to reach it.

But here’s a thought: What if instead of chasing after this elusive idea of perfection, we focused on the steps we take every day? It’s about embracing the little victories and learning from the stumbles. It’s about getting better bit by bit, not overnight.

This approach is less about the pressure to be flawless and more about the joy of growing. And the cool part? When you look back, you might realize you’ve outdone your definition of perfect without even trying to. You’ve moved beyond it, one step at a time.

So, let’s not get hung up on being perfect. We’re already on the right path if we keep learning and improving. That’s something to be proud of.
