It is interesting how a young child will always seem to push the boundaries. It seems constant.  As a parent especially, it can feel like your own margins of patience are being put to trial. It is frustrating and, at times, just exhausting.

Why not celebrate it? They are learning and challenging the foundations. It demonstrates curiosity and desire to advance. It is not disrespectful to yet a natural curiosity and desire to understand what is not possible.

The same applies in our professional lives, where we challenge and, in turn, put to the test. We can be annoyed, upset, and downright frustrated. But, we can also reflect and wonder what we are missing, is there a learning moment and maybe even something to celebrate? 

Boundaries are there, or so we think, for a good reason. Yet, it is when we test and push beyond confines that we make progress. It is where innovation comes through, as well as progression. So it may be for ourselves alone, or in some instances, for humanity.
