The beauty of the brightly colored open-faced flowers, a bright face beaming at the top of the long stem. Orchids are eye-catching and attractive, illuminating any room and, with that, us as well.

Then the flowers die after a few months, and that same beauty is now ‘flora non-grata’ and either abandoned completely until it dies a slow death or brutally banished into the trash and replaced by a new shiny flower.

Organizations are prone to a culture of caring for orchids. So, when individuals perform well, we shower them with praise and accolades that are flattering and inspiring. But, then, the individual has a few struggles, possibly due to several factors, and we no longer see them as that same person that brought such joy and satisfaction.

Orchids require ongoing attention, not excessive, but frequent and consistent, with some specific care and added nutrition. Soon enough, they sprout again and reward us with a fresh splay of brilliant flowers. Likewise, the rewards come with the ongoing maintenance of our team. It takes some time and a little care for them to bloom again.
