As you anticipate a new initiative, some people will likely consider the challenges and instantaneously reason the impossibilities of such an endeavor. ‘It can’t be done,’ and they instantly reveal all the reasons. It is a mindset, and some avoid anything new. However, it is not a matter of pessimism or lack of confidence.

Instead, another mindset mostly prevails, that of will. Some will see the problem as a contest and seek to defy the odds. They want to take it on and will steadfastly research, discover and experiment to solve. Then some do not want to take on anything new at all. A change of office or switching technology is reason enough for disapproval and discontent. Nothing here suggests can’t, but instead won’t

Those who can’t support and aid to overcome the problem, those who won’t will likely never. Possibly we should question whether the concern is the task itself or the person associated with it.
