Some leaders believe that they need to command, control, and tell people what to do. Some coaches believe that their role is to tell others what to do, rather than to advise and lead by example,

Because you can tell others what they should do and how to do it does not necessarily mean that one should. Yes, as a coach or leader, you may be responsible for ensuring others perform adequately, but it can be done through teaching and guiding rather than barking out advice.

Make people the best versions of themselves, not a mini-you.

It is hard to be patient and tolerant of others who are not as proficient or work as hard as you do.  It is frustrating, but you can teach them how to love the work the same as you, and the rest will follow.

How does demonstrating our frustrations and dissatisfaction help, anyone? How do you feel about yourself when you vent frustration? We should accept that not everyone will be in our ideal and nor will you attain your goals and outcomes through demands, bullying, or yelling,  

When we are leading others, before we begin to demand them, let us first make demands of ourselves. Then, we should look to see what we can do to help others and build them up. What will that outcome be?
