Blue Zones is a term used to describe regions where the inhabitants live longer, consistently reaching 100, but are also healthier. There are five zones, and commonalities exist across these geographically disparate towns – Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece, and Loma Linda, California.

Fundamental to the success are simple concepts of healthy fresh foods, daily moderate exercise, and creating and contributing to the community. There is consistency, regularity, and predictability in their behaviors and habits. There are no fads, no focus on IMF (Intermittent Fasting), Keto, Paleo, Vegan, no fancy new exercise program, or reliance on social media.

It is difficult not to be swept up by a new trend and want to experiment. Then in six months, we are doing something new. Blue Zone’s success validates simplicity is essential, consistency is required, and steadiness a requisite.

Fresh local foods, moderate in proteins, fresh fruit and vegetables, daily walks and taking the time to spend with people, and even a glass or two of alcohol daily. Nothing fancy, easy to follow, and widely available.

Your Blue Zone awaits you, the unleashing of a better future and beauty in many forms that comes at no additional cost, no equipment or fancy gadgets, and is there for you to access today.


In the series Down to Earth, an episode on Sardinia explores the concept of Blue Zones. Interestingly one of the lead scientists on the project, Dr. Gianni Pes, coined the term while mapping centenarians in Sardinia and then looked around the world and mapping them with small, yes, you guessed it, blue dots. And hence the Blue Zones is embedded as part of our daily vocabulary.
