Strive to win: to be number one is the instruction given. The idea is that we should aim for the top. That may well be an outstanding achievement for many since getting to the top can be difficult and even disheartening. 

But what happens when we get there? If that was our goal, we have achieved it, and there is nowhere else to go but down. This is evident with many organizations who strive to be the best, and once reached, you can almost sense a big sigh of relief and relaxation, only soon to no longer be ‘the best.’

A far more credible goal that we should aspire to is to be the best that we can be, not the best. Each day is a matter of giving our best as we live with our ideals in mind, maximize relationships and be productive to the best of our abilities. Some days we will falter and not be the best, but did we do the best we could consider circumstances?

If we are the best we can be, we will likely be number one at some point in whatever we have chosen to be excellent at, and once we attain the pinnacle, there is little fear that we will not continue to remain there, since we are still striving to be best.
