The merits of intermittent fasting (IF) have filled thousands of pages of literature, provoked numerous studies, been the topic of multiple podcasts, generated numerous dedicated apps, and enlisted millions of devoted loyalists to the movement. In brief, intermittent fasting requires one to refrain from consuming nutrients for anywhere from twelve to sixteen hours each day, and then extended to 24, 48, 72, and yes, some even up to 240 hours.

While the overall goal is to benefit one’s health, it is said to aid in repairing the digestive system through rest, improving digestion, heightening concentration, assisting in weight loss, and increasing energy. In most instances, people report many positives, each to their own.   

Today is National Fasting Day, and while this post is not to get you to fast (you should check with your physician or doctor if you have any questions), at very least take a few moments to discover what the trend is and whether this is something you may even want to explore. 

If you attempt to do it for just 12 or 16 hours, in other words, skip two meals, possibly you may consider donating the money you saved on your latte, breakfast, and lunch to a charity of your choice. Help those who do not have a choice of fasting or not since their predicament assumes they will be hungry today regardless.

Learn, explore and give. There is a clear benefit to fasting if we do it correctly.
