The first workday of the year is now behind you; how do you feel? Finally, life is getting back to current normalcy past the typical end-of-year holidays, parties, daily disruption, and for some, a break. You may have even taken some time to think about changes you want to make this year: goals, resolutions, behaviors, or skills.

Take the pulse of your being. How do you feel? Are you excited?  If not, ask yourself why. Are you excited about the year ahead at work, the aspirations, and the changes? Are you ready for the challenges?  What about your personal life? Do you feel optimistic and invigorated for the year ahead with the plans you have made, what you are looking to achieve, not only tasks, behaviors and skills, and your relationships? 

If you are not excited, it may be worth your while asking what is missing. Is your body telling you something is not aligned and beckoning you to listen? It is simple to say it is the post-holiday lull, and you will get back into the flow. Yes, you may, which could suggest you are settling for less than you desire. Instead, what the break has afforded you are a few days to ponder and reflect without the typical distractions and momentum that masks this sense of lethargy. It is simple enough to assume that an external factor may change our excitement level Yet, like any new job or relationship, it is all exciting at first, or at least we hope it was, yet if we are not growing within the position or partnership, we are likely to become stale and hunger for more.

No one or no entity will create excitement for you. So instead, spend the time, understand what you need and desire, and then seek the solution. You can find it if you look. Speak with others. Share your thoughts. It will help you think more clearly and lead you to a faster solution. 

It may be a simple element or possibly life-changing, but creating alignment will provide you with energy and motivation in all facets. It is the start of the year, and you can be excited. If not, let’s find a way.
