If we are committing to give our time to someone, we must be engaged. Why else would you take the time and be present with the knowledge that there are other things you can do and not be present?

We schedule meetings and have individuals attend the meeting, and likely some will need to travel to be there with you, and then you do not give them the full attention deserved. Again, being present is the start, but if we are not listening intently and seeking opportunities to engage and provide feedback or assistance, why are we there at all? Similarly, if you call a meeting and do not prepare, have no agenda, clarify your intentions and desired outcomes, and do not enthusiastically participate in the discussion, should you be meeting at all?

Interactions in our personal lives deserve the same attention and respect.

Be present and engaged. Be frugal with your time, and ensure that you spend it well because you are not getting it back.
