The antics of dogs are intriguing, and many mirror human behaviors. Creating a hierarchy, the desire to be part of a pack and belong regardless of shape and size, and having best friends. Fortunately, some similarities stop short of going too far – sniffing comes to mind.

Barkers take pleasure in barking and exhibit a variety of barks to express differing emotions. There are the barks of joy, acknowledgment of those they like, and excitement and even boredom. Some barks are to gain attention, and others are warnings and those that are protective signs. Some dogs like to bark a lot and almost at anything, and others almost annoyingly.

Humans are no different. Do you recognize the barking patterns of specific individuals? What do you think that says about them? You have an opinion for some.

Do you ever stop to consider your barking pattern? Are we constantly barking and friendly in our tone, or do we persist in growling and gnashing when we speak? Listening to our calls may give us some indication of how others see us.
